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Friday, October 14, 2011

Yes We Are Still Here!

I know we have not posted for a long time but we have be soooooooooooo busy. Some of you know that we do a little catering.......well catering has taken over our lives!!!   We have been working on some items (furniture and crafts) for the upcoming show in November but we now need to get into high gear to be ready.  We are very excited to be having a double booth in the first building at the Markham show and are dreaming of ways we can decorate it to give it the WOW factor. We are also taking a Millinery course at George Brown College in Toronto, so once a week we travel the crazy 401 for some fun and adventure.  We both love hats and hope to make some dazzlers plus restore some of our vintage hats.

Tried to load several pics but no luck.......arggggg!
Janis just finished selling 350 pumpkin centerpieces on the Thanksgiving weekend.  Wowzers!
Until next time,
The Sistars